5 Jan 2006 Octacaine, Orthocaine, Oxethazaine, Parethoxycaine, Phenacaine, Citalopram, Dimethazan, Indalpine, Fencamine, Indeloxazine,
Substance identity Substance identity. The ‘Substance identity’ section is calculated from substance identification information from all ECHA databases. The substance identifiers displayed in the InfoCard are the best available substance name, EC number, CAS number and/or the …
413 Fenclofenac. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug 762 Oxethazaine. Topical anaesthetic. 763 Oxilofrine (Hydroxyephedrine) .
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Fenacetin är ett organiskt preparat, som bildar färglösa kristallblad eller vitt kristallinskt pulver utan lukt och smak. Det är lösligt till en del på 100 delar kokande vatten och till en del på 15 delar alkohol. View and buy high quality Fexaramine. Potent, selective farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonist. Cited in 1 publication.
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A novel fast dissolving pharmaceutical composition in solid dosage form with prolonged sweet taste which comprises (a) At least one pharmaceutically active agent, (b) At least one water soluble sugar, (c) At least one non-sugar sweetner in normal fast release form and (d) At least one non-sugar sweetner in a mucoadhesive slow release form.
Fencamine (Altimina, Sicoclor) is a psychostimulant drug of the amphetamine class. It is closely related to fenethylline. References Fencamine | C20H28N6O2 | CID 115374 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more. This property has been reported to relieve the symptoms of hyperacidity. Oxetacaine is reported to produce a reversible loss of sensation and to provide a prompt and prolonged relief of pain.
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Compositions for topical application comprising a therapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical agent(s), a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, and a solvent for the pharmaceutical agent(s) in the carrier and methods of administering the pharmaceutical agents to a mammal are disclosed. Se hela listan på medlineplus.gov Fenacetin Klinički podaci; Robne marke: Achrocidin, Codempiral, Commotional, Contradol AHFS/Drugs.com Identifikatori; CAS broj: ATC kod: N02: PubChem: DrugBank Fenasetiini eli p-etoksiasetanilidi tai 4-etoksiasetanilidi on rakenteeltaan parasetamolia muistuttava kipu- ja kuumelääke.
Cited in 1 publication. Substance identity Substance identity. The ‘Substance identity’ section is calculated from substance identification information from all ECHA databases. The substance identifiers displayed in the InfoCard are the best available substance name, EC number, CAS number and/or the molecular and structural formulas.
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Stimulant. 413 Fenclofenac. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug 762 Oxethazaine.
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Oxethazaine: Topical anaesthetic: verboten: Oxilofrine (Hydroxyephedrine) Stimulant: verboten: Oxolamine: Antitussive: verboten: Oxprenolol: Beta blocker: verboten: Oxybuprocaine: Local anaesthetic: verboten: Oxycodone: Opioid analgesic: verboten: Oxymesterone: Anabolic: verboten: Oxymetazoline: Topical decongestant: verboten: Oxymetholone: Anabolic: verboten: Oxymorphone: Opioid analgesic: verboten
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