Mestni stadion Ob jezeru je stadion v Velenju. Na njem domujeta moška ekipa NK Rudar Velenje in ženska ekipa ŽNK Rudar Škale. Stadion ima kapaciteto 2.341 sedežev, prav tako pa ima stojišča. Stadion je eden od večjih centralnih športnih objektov Velenje in je hkrati največji odprti vadbeni prostor v mestu.
Ob Jezeru City Stadium Country Slovenia Town Velenje Latitude 0.000000 Longitude 0.000000
Dirección. Cesta na Jezero 3320 Velenje Slowenien. Localidad. Referee -.
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Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Ob Jezeru Stadion".Found in 1 ms. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. They come from many sources and are not checked. Be warned. Večer @vecer RT @VanessaCokl: Marta Grgič Vitek pojasnila, koliko primerov stranskih učinkov se je pojavilo ob cepljenju in pri katerem cepivu jih je na… 5 hours ago Mar 31 Delo @Delo Poraz članske nogometne reprezentance in neuspešno evropsko prvenstvo mlade sta bila boleča in sta razgalila slabos… Tukaj je lahko vaš oglas Domov; Navijaške skupine. Antikristi 1989; Black Gringos. Sezona 1991/92; Sezona 1992/93 Get website, phone, hours, directions for Stadion ob jezeru Velenje, Cesta na Jezero 7 Velenje, +386 38919013.
#1 Ob Jezeru City Stadium Stadium Updated: 2019-03-24 Ob Jezeru City Stadium or simply Ob Jezeru is a multi-use stadium in Velenje, Slovenia. It is used mostly for football matches and is the home ground of Rudar Velenje. The stadium is also used for athletics. Every summer it also hosts the annual international athletics competition.
Has See all 10 photos taken at Stadion ob jezeru by 50 visitors. Instagram posts from Ob Jezeru City Stadium.
Mestni stadion Ob jezeru je stadion v Velenju. Na njem domujeta moška ekipa NK Rudar Velenje in ženska ekipa ŽNK Rudar Škale. Stadion ima kapaciteto 2.341 sedežev, prav tako pa ima stojišča.[1]
It is a well preserved and maintained stadium. There are also two reserve pitches, one of them has artificial turf and illumination and is used by the Women Footbal Club Ob Jezeru City Stadium. Ob Jezeru City Stadium. UEFA Europa League 18/19 How many football grounds have you been to? Add Ob Jezeru Stadion to your football ground map and create an online map of the grounds you have visited. Plus stadium information including stats, map, photos, directions, reviews, interesting facts and useful links See 10 photos and 2 tips from 29 visitors to Stadion ob jezeru.
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82 likes · 1 talking about this · 1,450 were here. Ob Jezeru City Stadium or simply Ob Jezeru is a multi-use stadium in El Ob Jezeru City Stadium (en esloveno: Mestni stadion ob jezeru) o simplemente Ob Jezeru es un estadio de usos múltiples en Velenje, Eslovenia.Se utiliza principalmente para partidos de fútbol y es el estadio del NK Rudar Velenje.El estadio también se utiliza para el atletismo Ob Jezeru City Stadium or simply Ob Jezeru is a multi-use stadium in Velenje, Slovenia. It is used mostly for football matches and is the home ground of Rudar Velenje.
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Ob jezeru. Kapaciteta: 2500. Sedišča: 1800. Zgrajen: 1955. Stadion je bil zgrajen leta 1955, kasneje pa je bil večkrat prenovljen. Leta 1992 je bila zgrajena sodobna pokrita tribuna, atletska površina z osmimi stezami ter nova travnata površina. Leta 1998 je stadion dobil še umetno razsvetljavo.
Every summer it also hosts the annual international athletics competition. Ob Jezeru City Stadium (Slovene: Mestni stadion ob jezeru; literally, 'Lakeside City Stadium') or simply Ob Jezeru (Ob jezeru) is a multi-use stadium in Velenje, Slovenia.It is used mostly for football matches and is the home ground of Rudar Velenje. The stadium is also used for athletics. Every summer it also hosts the annual international athletics competition.
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Vinnaren av gruppen gick direkt vidare till EM-turneringen 2013 medan grupptvåan gick vidare till playoffspel. Velenjska jezera - Velenjsko jezero - Šaleška kotlina ali tudi Šaleška dolina, široka okoli dva kilometra in dolga okoli osem kilometrov, je dobila ime po danes razvaljenem gradu Šalek. Med Šaleška jezera spadajo Škalsko jezero, Velenjsko in Družmirsko jezero. Velenjsko jezero je s pov Ob Jezeru City Stadium (Slovene: Mestni stadion ob jezeru; literally, 'Lakeside City Stadium') or simply Ob Jezeru (Ob jezeru) is a multi-use stadium in Velenje, Slovenia. It is used mostly for football matches and is the home ground of Rudar Velenje. The stadium is also used for athletics.