So the WingChun strategy is to end the fight fast and direct under one time-slot, Grandmaster/Sifu Ip Chun who is the elder son of the legend Ip Man (Yip Man) 


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Torture In this conniving world, he uses his intelligence and knowledge to provide for himself and his companions a stable environment to survive. Watch nations fall, great men rise, and supreme martial artists kneel before the quiet whispers of a frail, unassuming scholar. Outline. The Grandmaster Strategist. The Grandmaster Strategist novel This is an alternate history.

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Ordered Novel The Grandmaster Strategist Portuguese Advertisement. This is an alternate world, set during the waning days of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms era. Of poor …

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The Grandmaster Strategist Volume 1 Chapter 7. /. Chapters List. Chapter 7: The Floating Fragrance Pleasure Boat. I accompanied the Prince of Qi as we walked along the street. In high spirits, he gazed about at the scenery. Although I wasn't particularly familiar with the area, I could still serve as a tour guide.

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