at Arizona Cardinals Throwback Jersey all underage on August 30, 2017 Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, said Senior Assistant Registrar of the Caribbean Examination Council Response: Three contractors.


2021. Enligt dera webbplat är uppdraget för Arizona Regitrar of Contractor "att främja kvalitetkontrakt av Arizona entreprenörer genom ett licen- och 

The agency was established in 1931 to regulate the construction industry of Arizona. Its mission is to protect the health and safety of the public by ensuring that construction contractors are qualified, licensed and bonded. 2021-03-22 · The State of Arizona Registrar of Contractors 1700 West Washington Street, Suite 105 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Phone: 602.542.1525 Upon completion of all licensure requirements, including passing the necessary examination(s), submit a completed licensure application and your original score report to the ROC Arizona Registrar of Contractors, Phoenix, Arizona. 1,932 likes · 42 talking about this · 101 were here. Protect the health, safety and welfare of the ARIZONA REGISTRAR OF CONTRACTORS - Contractors - 1700 W Washington St, Phoenix, AZ - Phone Number. The AZ Registrar of Contractors (ROC) licenses and regulates business related to general and specialty residential and commercial contractors that provide services in Arizona. The ROC investigates complaints from consumers who contact ROC with construction and contractor concerns, and attempts to resolve complaints against a licensed contractor and unlicensed entities.

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Take the licensing exam (if required). · 3. Submit your application.

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Arizona Registrar of Contractors Protect the health, safety and welfare of the public through a regulatory system designed to promote quality construction by Arizona contractors. Search Complete and submit a License Application Form to the Registrar using one of the following methods: • Mail this application to: Registrar of Contractors, P.O. Box 6748, Phoenix, AZ 85005-6748 • Deliver this application to: 1700 W. Washington Street, Suite 105, Phoenix, AZ 85007-2812 Tucson, Arizona 85701-1353 Telephone: 1-877-692-9762 (1-877-MY-AZROC) Fax: (602) 542-1599 Directions: Northwest corner of West Congress and Granada. IMPORTANT UPDATE The Tucson Office is currently open by appointment only. Please contact us at 1-877-692-9762 (1-877-MY-AZROC) for additional information or to schedule an appointment. The Registrar of Contractors now has an online service portal to allow individuals to file complaints online. The process is pretty simple: Go to or hit the My Account link from the navigation bar above.
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Go to or any Arizona Registrar of Contractors to obtain an Arizona Contractor's License Application. Read all the instructions in the packet before 

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Arizona Registrar of Contractors, Phoenix, Arizona. 1,896 likes · 21 talking about this · 101 were here. Protect the health, safety and welfare of the public through a regulatory system designed to

The process begins when a complaint is filed with the Registrar of Contractors. The complaint form can be found on the Registrar of Contractors website.