Killer Condom (original title Kondom des Grauens (English: Condom of Horror)) is a 1996 German horror comedy directed by Martin Walz. It is based on the comic books Kondom des Grauens and Bis auf die Knochen ("Down to the Bones") by Ralf König.
Ralf König is the best-selling author of comic book novels, and his stories of gay men coming to terms with contemporary society have resonated with hundreds of thousands of German readers and
He is known for his numerous comic publications such as “Kondom des Grauens” (translated as “The Killer Condom”), “Der bewegte Mann” (translated as “Maybe…Maybe Not”), “Wie die Karnickel” and “Herbst in der Hose”“. Ralf König (born 8 August 1960) is one of the best known and most commercially successful German comic book creators. His books have been translated into many languages. He has resided in Soest, Dortmund and Berlin and now lives in Cologne.
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Specialeffekterna är gjorda av Jörg Buttgereit. Alla talar tyska! Staffars Serier! Killer Condom - av: Ralf König Ung. sidantal: 62Färg/svart-vitt: Svart-vitFormat: PocketSpråk: EngelskaLäsriktning: VästerländskTaggar: HBTQ, Ralph S. Dietrich Harald Reichebner. Skriven av, Ralf König Martin Walz Mario Kramp. Baserat på, Kondom des Grauens / Bis auf die Knochen Baserad på en hyllad serie av Ralf König. 107 MIN. Tyska.
by: Ralf König, Jeff Krell, In this long-awaited sequel to Ralf König’s The Killer Condom , macho gay detective Luigi Macaroni takes on another outrageous case. Someone is killing the gay men of Manhattan and leaving nothing but their bones behind.
Entertainment (rev. ed.); 1992 The Killer Condom Catalan Communications, translation from German by Jim Steakley of 1988 Kondom des Grauens [‘Condom of Horror’] Edition Kunst der Comics/Ralf König). Aside from the pleasures of the story, there’s some Killer condom (original title: kondom des grauens, "condom of horror") is a comic book series, published together with its direct sequel, to the bones.the series is a loving parody of gritty crime films by the german queer media comic artist ralf könig. Kondom des Grauens (The Killer Condom) followed 1987, a detective parody created as a longer comic narrative and then continued in 1990 with Bis auf die Knochen (Until Blood Flows).
2013-04-08 · Tuning für dein bestes Stück 2008): Ralf König’s The Killer Condom (2009 Ignite! Entertainment (rev. ed.); 1992 The Killer Condom Catalan Communications, translation from German by Jim Steakley of 1988 Kondom des Grauens [‘Condom of Horror’] Edition Kunst der Comics/Ralf König).
Kondom des Grauens, 1996 (script by Ralf König) Wie die Karnickel, 2002 (script by Ralf König) Lisístrata, Spain 2002 (following Lysistrata) English translations. Some of König's books have been translated into English.
Tagline: The rubber that rubs YOU out! Set in the seedy parts of New York City, Killer Condom follows gay Detective Luigi Mackeroni
The Killer Condom should also be commended for going out on a limb and having a gay hero – indeed, most of the characters are gay and the film is predominantly set in gay subculture – such that The Killer Condom played more in gay film festivals than horror festivals when it came out. I have even seen killer puppets ("Attack of the Puppet People"), and killer mushrooms ("Matango, The Fungus of Terror".) So I felt pretty prepared for a killer condom, but discovered I was not. The film was shot on location in New York by a bunch of Germans, and all dialogue is done in German, therefore you have to read subtitles. 1991-06-01 · Books Advanced Search New Releases & Pre-orders Best Sellers Browse Genres Children's & Young Adult Textbooks Exam Central
In this section. BFI Film Academy: opportunities for young creatives. Get funding to progress my creative career.
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But it’s no ordinary condom… it’s a killer! Ralf König’s comedy horror classic—which has been produced as a feature film and staged as a life-sized puppet show—is once again available in English, translated by Jeff Krell (Jayson)!
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Ralph S. Dietrich Harald Reichebner. Skriven av, Ralf König Martin Walz Mario Kramp. Baserat på, Kondom des Grauens / Bis auf die Knochen
It fits like a condom. But it’s no ordinary condom… it’s a killer!
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Mar 22, 1997 Like the 1994 German smash hit "Der bewegte Mann," the film is based on comics by cult cartoonist Ralf Koenig, and there's enough crossing
kondom des grauens killer condom ralf könig.