Web of Science: When you click on a publication in the result list you can in the right hand margin under "Citation Network" find a link called "View related records". NB! Only if the record is present in the database "Web of Science Core Collection".


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Tillgänglig för alla från bibliotekens datorer Search for researchers in Web of Science Staff at Social Science Faculty Library in Lund Staff at Campus Helsingborg Library To Lund University LUBsearch New Student? Distance student Reading and writing Search both printed and electronical material, available at Lund University, at one place! LUBcat Web of Science: When you click on a publication in the result list you can in the right hand margin under "Citation Network" find a link called "View related records". NB! Only if the record is present in the database "Web of Science Core Collection".

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2020-10-13 · Point users to the right database resource within the Web of Science platform using our list of direct links. Link to a database, or even an individual index within the Core Collection. Descriptions are included to help you quickly communicate the resource. Just copy and paste.

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Department of Immunotechnology. Handicap- and Rehabilitation Research Centre. LUNARC, Centre for Scientific and Technical Computing at Lund University. Lund Laser Centre, LLC. Department of Political Science, Lund University, Lund. 3,781 likes · 6 talking about this · 25 were here.
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By continuing to use this website, you accept that we use cookies. Sammanställningen görs vid Lunds universitet och tjänsten innehåller också allmän Bygger på citeringsdata från Web of Science. Eborn Interactive levererar interaktiva lösningar till företag och webb-, reklam- och kommunikationsbyråer. T ex hemsidor och banners. Map includes point data, tabular information, network lines, socio-economic data and metadata (in Swedish).

Designed to guide users to the content they need to learn a little or a lot about their method, SAGE Research Methods includes more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, including the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online from any scholarly publisher. Web of Science is an online academic citation index. As a citation index, any cited paper will lead to any other literature. The database contains information about cited articles, author’s h-index, Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and more.
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원문보기: Open Access (SwePub) Web of Science 등재 저널. 2 Medical and Health Sciences / Clinical Medicine; DB Label: Database : SwePub Faculty of Medicine, Unit for Clinical Suicide Research, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 

Map includes point data, tabular information, network lines, socio-economic data and metadata (in Swedish). Visit our web-based GIS dashboard on  Anna Lund is a Professor of Sociology at Stockholm University. She is also a A selection from Stockholm University publication database.

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Editor-in-Chief: Professor Henrik Lund, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., Dr.Techn. Data for: Sizing a battery-supercapacitor energy storage system with battery degradation 

Visit our web-based GIS dashboard on  Anna Lund is a Professor of Sociology at Stockholm University.