A 23-year-old woman presented with sore throat and was found to be in sepsis and acute kidney injury. She was found to have septic emboli in lung and Streptococcus anginosus and F. necrophorum in blood. She was diagnosed with Lemierre's syndrome and successfully treated with antibiotics.


Fusobacterium necrophorum, an obligate anaerobic bacterium, was recently reported to be an important cause of bacterial pharyngitis with a prevalence as high as that of group A Streptococcus (GAS) in adolescents and young adults. Importantly, F. necrophorum is the primary causative agent of the life-threatening Lemierre's syndrome, and screening of pharyngeal samples may be warranted for its

TUESDAY, Feb. 17, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Fusobacterium necrophorum is responsible for one in five sore throats in young adults, a new study suggests. The report was published in the Feb. 17 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine. To estimate the prevalence of F. Necrophorum, Robert Centor, M.D., a professor of medicine at the University of Alabama School of Medicine at Birmingham, and colleagues studied 312 students who sought treatment for sore throat at the University of Alabama at A sore throat in young adults who test negative for strep may indicate a serious infection with F. necrophorum, which can cause peritonsillar abscess and internal jugular thrombophlebitis. New research from UAB suggests not all strep throat is really strep throat, and attention must be paid to another bacterium that packs a nasty wallop.

F necrophorum sore throat

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As the result of an index case of persistent sore throat attributable to this organism being diagnosed In this case report, a previously healthy man with pneumonia and empyema due to F.necrophorum has been presented. A 22 year-old man suffering from sore throat for seven days was admitted to emergency department with ongoing fever and dysphagia for three days. There is no published data concerning the role of F. necrophorum in recurrent sore throats. As the result of an index case of persistent sore throat attributable to this organism being diagnosed in our laboratory, a subsequent case controlled study (not yet published) isolated F. necrophorum from 21% (P=0.0001) of cases of persistent, recurrent and chronic sore throats. F necrophorum is most commonly associated with Lemierre's syndrome: a septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein.

with F. necrophorum. Most reviewers now regard the paper by Courmont and Cade in 1900 (98) as the first description of Lemierre’s syn-drome, i.e., a human postanginal septicemic infection with F. necrophorum. The patient complained of cough and sore throat, and a few days later, when the throat had settled, had

A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine (Feb. 17, 2015) suggests this F-throat infection is more common than strep throat among adolescents and young adults.

F necrophorum sore throat

2021-02-23 · METHODS: We performed a systematic review of MEDLINE for studies reporting the prevalence of F necrophorum or Group C streptococcus or both in prospective, consecutive series of outpatients with sore throat, as well as laboratory-based studies of throat cultures submitted from primary care.

F necrophorum sore throat

However, F. necrophorum sometimes causes dangerous inflammation and blood clots in the jugular vein. The jugular is a main blood vessel in the throat.

Research is needed, however, to determine F. Necrophorum May Be Underlying Cause of Sore Throat in Young Adults and Adolescents. December 1, 2009. Fusobacterium necrophorum may cause up to 10 percent of sore throats in those 15-24 years of age and is associated with Lemierre syndrome, a rare but life-threatening complication. The researchers found the F. Necrophorum bacteria in 20.5 percent of patients with sore throat symptoms and about 9 percent of those without sore throats. It was the most common bacteria found. "If it looks like strep but it isn't strep, it could be this," Centor told HealthDay .
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When you have a sore throat, the right treatment will quickly ge Sore throats can be caused by bacterial or viral infections, allergies, and other medical conditions. Find out more about sore throat causes. It's most likely a virus–but there could be other reasons your throat hurts, too.

F necrophorum is most commonly associated with Lemierre's syndrome: a septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein. Patients usually present with an exudative tonsillitis, sore throat, dysphagia, and unilateral neck pain. Diagnosis of septic thrombophlebitis is best confirmed by obtaining a CT scan of the neck with contrast. 2017-10-09 Lemierre's syndrome refers to infectious thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein.
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F. Necrophorum May Be Underlying Cause of Sore Throat in Young Adults and Adolescents. December 1, 2009. Fusobacterium necrophorum may cause up to 10 percent of sore throats in those 15-24 years of age and is associated with Lemierre syndrome, a rare but life-threatening complication.

In primary care patients with sore throat, Group C streptococcus had a prevalence of 6.1% (95% CI, 3.1%–9.2%), while F necrophorum had a prevalence of 19.4% (95% CI, 14.7%–24.1%). CONCLUSIONS Group C streptococcus and Fusobacterium necrophorum are commonly detected in patients with acute pharyngitis. I samma material var 11 procent positiva för GAS. Åldersfördelningen visade här att F necrophorum var vanligast i åldersgruppen 31–40 år och dessutom vanligare i den grupp som inremitterats under diagnosen (PSTS, persistent sore throat syndrome – persisterande halsbesvär) jämfört med dem som provtagits på grund av akut tonsillit eller halsont. Approximately 80% of cases of Lemierre syndrome are due to this bacterium, but the proportion of patients infected or colonized with F. necrophorum who develop pharyngitis and Lemierre syndrome is unknown.

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In PTA aspirates, a mixed aerobic and  There's another common type of bacteria that can cause throat infections, especially in young adults; The bacteria's name is Fusobacterium necrophorum. I call it F  Pharyngitis typically occurs first followed by local invasion of the lateral pharyngeal space and internal jugular vein thrombophlebitis (IJVT). During this stage,  21 Sep 2020 Most cases of acute pharyngitis are caused by respiratory vi. Fusobacterium necrophorum infections in England and Wales 1990-2000.