The other day I was eating in an Italian restaurant when I accidentally spilled some spaghetti sauce on my favorite white sweater. I wasn't too distressed, though, because Mr. Wong down on High Street has been doing my laundry for years, and I knew that he could remove just about any stain and get it out like it'd never been there.


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The best jokes rated by site visitors. Top rated jokes. These are the best jokes rated 1 to 10. NOTE jokes sometimes might seem not to be in order.

Humor of the day

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The other day I was eating in an Italian restaurant when I accidentally spilled some spaghetti sauce on my favorite white sweater. I wasn't too distressed, though, because Mr. Wong down on High Street has been doing my laundry for years, and I knew that he could remove just about any stain and get it out like it'd never been there. Humour of the day. 7.7K likes · 23 talking about this. Le spicy dankley memes eans He created this day with the idea to bring public awareness of the therapeutic value of humor. History of National Humor Month Larry Wilde created National Humor Month in 1976 to show people how humor is a useful tool to improve our ways of life. Joke of the Day, Jacksonville, FL. 873 likes.

Är ni i behov av sjukvårdsutbildning? · TACO TUESDAY EVERY DAY FUNNY GIFT MEXICAN HUMOR Mens Black T-Shirt · HLR med hjärtstartare · D-HLR.

Miss you dearly every day. Funny Pictures Of The Day - 36 Pics Sarkastiska Citat, Roliga Citat, Haha Roligt. Sparad från 32 Of The Funniest Pictures On The Internet | The Funny Beaver.

Humor of the day

Joke Of The Day. silly jokes. David Deubelbeiss. Director of Education, EnglishCentral. Assistant Professor, Nipissing University. Follow. 15 Comments; 2 Likes 

Humor of the day

Mar 19, 2017 - Funny Images, Videos and Jokes. See more ideas about funny, laugh, bones funny. Funny jokes of the day with short humor stories about work, jobs and funniest jokes about people, celebrities to relax your mind every day, daily clean joke Explore 1000 Humor Quotes by authors including Steven Wright, Charlie Chaplin, and Erma Bombeck at BrainyQuote. "A day without laughter is a day wasted." - Charlie Chaplin Six years.

You Can See more ideas about Funny meme pictures, Funny caption pictures and Funny people pictures, Photo Credits Pinterest […] - Anonymous humor. There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
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Explore 1000 Humor Quotes by authors including Steven Wright, Erma Bombeck, and W. C. Fields at BrainyQuote.

An old man living alone in Idaho wanted to break the ground for his potato garden, but it was very hard work with just a mattock and a spade. His only son, Bubba, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament.
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24 Dec 2020 From fun cracker jokes to hilarious festive puns, here are 110 Christmas jokes to keep you What did Adam say the day before Christmas?

CLICK2LINK: CLICK2VIEW PPT How many endangered animals can you spot in the World Wildlife Fund's poster warning about deforestation? Now you see them, now you don't - a striking portrayal of animals hidden in a rain forest which could all be wiped out as a result of deforestation are revealed in a poignant poster. Humour of the day. 8,069 likes · 94 talking about this.

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2021-01-06 · Humor, the capacity to express or perceive what's funny, is both a source of entertainment and a means of coping with difficult or awkward situations and stressful events. Although it provokes 2013-09-19 · In the human body, the interaction of the four humors explained differences of age, gender, emotions, and disposition. The influence of the humors changed with the seasons and times of day and with the human life span. Heat stimulated action, cold depressed it.